You may register over the telephone by calling us at (212) 327-0200 or use the accompanying registration form for the June Exam to register via:
- FAX at (212) 327-0225
- Email at q@rgquintero.com
- Mail c/o R. G. Quintero & Co., 590 Madison Ave., 21st Floor, NYC 10022

Program | 2009 | Weekday programs | $1,199 | Weekend programs | $1,049 | Intensive review | $679 | FSA-New York | $395 | FSA-Stamford | $295 | FSA & Quant Modules | $279 |
Special discounts for CFA Review Programs. Select highest applicable discount (only one is permitted).
- $100 RGQ&Co. alumni
- $100 Candidates repeating at same level*
- $100 Candidates withdrawing from another CFA program*
- $150 Monday-night Level I program candidates enrolling after 9/3
- $75 Groups of 3 or more**
- $125 Corporate and large group discounts for 5 or more candidates**
- $200 Intensive-review candidates traveling more than 120 miles*
- $300 Full-time students*
- 50% RGQ&Co. alumni who are repeating at the same level
*Documentation required prior to commencement of class **Must be formed before class begins
FSA Immersion Program discounts. Select highest applicable discount (only one is permitted).
- $50 2 or more candidates enrolling together*
- $100 Candidates enrolled in another CFA review program*
*Documentation or designation of group members required prior to commencement of class
Discounts on Special Modules. Select highest applicable discount (only one is permitted).
- $100 2 modules or FSA Immersion Program + 1 module
- $40 Candidates enrolled in Module who are taking another review course or who previously failed the Exam*
- $40 2 or more candidates enrolling together**
*Documentation or designation of group members required prior to commencement of class
Special pricing for RGQ&Co. students and alumni.
- $145 FSA pricing for current students and alumni*
- $250 Intensive-review program for candidates repeating at same level
*RGQ&Co. students in Fall 2009 Saturday and Sunday programs may enroll in Fall 2009 FSA programs at no cost