"Whichever way go your Financial Reporting and Ethics, so goes your CFA® exam" is a common refrain repeated by Ron Quintero many times in his Level I CFA review programs. In this special-edition intensive-review program, Ron will review topics that are vital for all Level I candidates to understand.
Who should attend the class? Candidates preparing for the CFA Level I Exam or Level II Exam. If you have not taken a CFA review program, this seminar will fill certain voids in your understanding. If you have taken a CFA review program, this seminar will not only reinforce concepts that you have already been exposed to, it will introduce a number of topics that are beyond the scope of traditional CFA review programs, and will take them to a higher level.
Ron Quintero will be your instructor. Ron has 10 professional licenses, including CFA and CPA, and has been one of the most active CFA instructors on the planet over the past two decades.
Course format. The class will blend a lively presentation, enhanced by PowerPoint slides, reinforced by numerous in-class problems.
You will receive the same Financial Reporting & Analysis Q-Notes that are provided to candidates in our full-semester course (approximately 450 pages for Level I, and 250 pages for Level II).
CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy
or quality of the products or services offered by R. G. Quintero &
Co. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst™ are trademarks owned by the CFA