You may register over the telephone by calling us at (212) 327-0200 or use the accompanying registration forms to register via FAX, email, or U.S. mail.
Mail c/o R. G. Quintero & Co., 375 Park Avenue, Suite 2607, New York, NY 10152
Weekend program—June 2018 Exam
Weekend program—December 2017 Exam
Financial Reporting & Quant. modules
$349 each
Both FR&A and Quant. modules
$579 both programs
Financial Reporting & Analysis L2 module
Special discounts for CFA Review Programs. Select the highest applicable discount (only one is permitted).
RGQ&Co. alumni
Candidates repeating at the same level*
Stamford CFA Society members*
Candidates withdrawing from another CFA Program*
Per-person discount for groups of 2 or more, in addition to $100 referral fee for individual referring other group members**
Unemployed candidates*
Candidates residing in New York City (any of 5 boroughs), Long Island, or New Jersey who enroll in Stamford class*
Full-time students during Winter/Spring 2016*
Candidates commuting from Hartford area*
Candidates commuting from Boston area*
• Tuition of candidates who upgrade from module will be credited against tuition of applicable course
• Financial Statement Analysis Immersion Program students who subsequently enroll in an RGQ&Co. review program will receive a credit for the excess of the tuition that they paid above the FSAI tuition applicable to RGQ&Co. students
*Documentation required prior to commencement of class **Documentation or designation of group members is required prior to commencment of class; rebate will be provide if group is completed after initial member(s) register
Discounts on Special Modules. Select the highest applicable discount (only one is permitted.
Candidates enrolled in Module who are taking another review course*
2 modules
*Documentation or desigation of group members is required prior to commencement of the class
Special pricing for RGQ&Co. students and alumni.
Tuition for full-semester courses and intensive-review programs for RGQ&Co. students who were unsuccessful in passing the Exam
Referral fees
In addition to any applicable group discounts, candidates currently enrolled in RGQ&Co. CFA review programs will receive a $100 credit against their tuition ($50 for modules) for any students who they refer to our classes. Candidate must indicate who has referred them at the time of registration.
CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy
or quality of the products or services offered by R. G. Quintero &
Co. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst™ are trademarks owned by the CFA