Stamford classes are held at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel (June 2018 Level I and Level II) and the Hotel Zero|Degrees Stamford (December 2017 Level I and June 2018 Level III), just a 4-minute cab ride or a quick walk from the Stamford train station. Each hotel provides complimentary parking. Visit the hotel web links for further information about the venues or to call for directions. New York City candidates can take the 8:07 from Grand Central Station (or 8:17 from 125th Street), arriving in Stamford at 8:52, with sufficient time to be in class when we begin at 9:20. Candidates in afternoon classes can take the 12:08 train from Grand Central Station (or 12:18 from 125th Street), arriving in Stamford at 12:54, with plenty of time to join us for the 1:15 PM class.
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