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ISaturdaysStamford2/3/185/26/18Weekly*1:15 - 5:15PM
I-AcctgSaturdaysStamford3/17/187/14/18Weekly1:15 - 5:15PM
I-QuantSaturdaysStamford2/10/182/24/18Weekly1:15 - 5:15PM
IISaturdaysStamford2/3/185/19/18Weekly*9:20AM - 1:10PM
II-AcctgSaturdaysStamford2/17/183/3/18Weekly9:20AM - 1:10PM
IIISat & SunStamford1/27/186/2/18Tri weekly9:20AM - 4:15PM

*14 classes over 17 Saturdays (13 classes for Level II)

Our Level I and II classes are held at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel; Level III classes are at the Hotel Zero Degrees.  Both hotels have free parking, and are a quick walk or cab ride from the Stamford train station.

Refer to the syllabi to review the sessions to be covered at each meeting.  Call us at (212) 327-0200 or send an email to q@rgquintero.com for further information, or use the accompanying form to register for:

  • June 2018 CFA exam—Stamford classes
  • December 2017 CFA exam—Stamford classes

You may register (December 2016 or June 2017) via telephone, FAX, email, U.S. mail, or on a space-available-basis, in class, as indicated below:

  • Over the telephone:  (212) 327-0200 for New York and Stamford classes
  • Via secure FAX:  (212) 327-0225
  • Via email:  q@rgquintero.com
  • By mail:  R. G. Quintero & Co., 375 Park Avenue, Suite 2607, New York, NY 10152
  • In class, on a space-available basis

CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by R. G. Quintero & Co.  CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst™ are trademarks owned by the CFA Institute.
